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Meeting Name: Administrative Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/20/2021 10:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Remote Meeting via Zoom
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2021-0767 11.ReportState Legislative Update - Gordon Thomas Honeywell   Action details Not available
2021-0766 12.LetterFederal Infrastructure Bill, Draft Letter Paul Hoover - Gordon Thomas Honeywell   Action details Not available
2021-0709 1a.MotionMotion 21-331, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute Amendment No. 1 with Arora Engineers, Inc. for integrated data management systems solutions at the Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0716 1b.MotionMotion 21-332, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to sign a contract amendment with Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell, LLP in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 for legal services regarding federal aviation law and regulationAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0725 1a.MotionMotion 21-322, confirming the appointment of Karen O’Meara Pullen to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0726 1b.MotionMotion 21-323, confirming the appointment of Jamie Reed to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0727 1c.MotionMotion 21-324, confirming the appointment of Dennis Wheeler to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0728 1d.MotionMotion 21-325, confirming the reappointment of Jack Eckrem to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0729 1e.MotionMotion 21-326, confirming the reappointment of John Flood to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0730 1f.MotionMotion 21-327, confirming the reappointment of Carolyn Hetherwick Goza to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0731 1g.MotionMotion 21-328, confirming the reappointment of Mark Smith to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0732 1h.MotionMotion 21-329, confirming the reappointment of Jerry Strieck to the Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Program Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0707 1a.MotionMotion 21-318, approving an interlocal agreement between the city of Mukilteo and Snohomish County for disbursement of funds for improvement to 76th StreetAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0719 1b.MotionMotion 21-319, authorizing the County Executive to execute Amendment No. 5 to the professional services agreement with J.A. Brennan Associates, PLLC for master plan update and day-use improvements at Kayak Point ParkAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0741 1c.MotionMotion 21-335, authorizing approval of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement for professional services with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. for Meadowdale Beach Park and Estuary Restoration ProjectAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0713 1a.MotionMotion 21-320, convening Board of EqualizationAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0742 1b.MotionMotion 21-334, referring proposed code revisions relating to increasing exemption thresholds for minor new construction and adopting new categorical exemptions per the State Environmental Policy Act to promote infill development in Urban Growth Areas to the Department of Planning and Development ServicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0575 1a.MotionMotion 21-330, approving a 2021 budget transfer between sub-funds in data processing Capital Fund 315Assigned  Action details Not available
2021-0710 1b.MotionMotion 21-321, authorizing the County Executive to sign Amendment No. 1 to professional services agreement CC06-18 with Applied Research Associates, LLC for the Snohomish County pavement condition survey projectAssigned  Action details Not available
2021-0714 1c.MotionMotion 21-336, authorizing the Executive to sign a professional services agreement with Kidder Mathews for real estate brokerage and consultation services Assigned  Action details Not available
2021-0740 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 21-070, relating to the 2021 Budget; making a supplemental appropriation in Grant Control Fund 130 to provide expenditure authority for American Rescue Plan Act FundsSet time/date for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2021-0743 1b.OrdinanceOrdinance 21-071, relating to the 2021 Annual Budget; revising the 2021 FTE limitation; amending Amended Ordinance No. 20-075Set time/date for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2021-0744 1c.MotionMotion 21-337, approving an increase in the number of employees authorized in the 2021 Annual Budget in the General Fund 002, Crime Victims/Witness Fund 118, Facility Services Fund 511, and Security Services Fund 513Set time/date for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2021-0769 1d.MotionMotion 21-338, approving the County Executive to change two positions in the Office of Recovery and ResilienceApprovedPass Action details Not available
2021-0697 11.MotionMotion 21-314, relating to the 2022 Annual Budget process, adopting procedures for Council action on the budget and related legislation, and suspending certain Council rulesApprovedPass Action details Not available
2021-0748 11.MotionMotion 21-333, approving Administrative Matters presented at Council General Legislative Session on September 22, 2021   Action details Not available
2021-0679 1a.ReportReceiving response to Budget Note 6 in the 2021 Adopted Budget   Action details Not available
2021-0676 1b.OrdinanceOrdinance 21-069, relating to Animal Licensing and Licensing Fees; amending Sections 9.04.010, 9.04.040, 9.04.050, and 9.04.060 of Snohomish County Code   Action details Not available
2021-0763 1c.ReportReceiving Notice of Council Final Action - Adoption of Amendments to the Snohomish County Engineering Design and Development Standards (EDDS)   Action details Not available
2021-0745 1d.Bid Award RecommendationApproving Bid Award Recommendation 026-21SB to Zones LLC for Surface products and equipment for the County’s Technology Replacement Program in the amount of $506,068.69   Action details Not available