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Meeting Name: Administrative Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/8/2023 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: District 5 - Monroe School District Administration Building 14692 179th Ave SE, Monroe, WA 98272 & Remote Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2023-0864 11.ResolutionResolution 23-030, recognizing August 6 - 12, 2023, as National Farmers Market WeekApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0877 1a.MotionMotion 23-318, approving an increase in the number of employees authorized in the 2023 Annual Budget in the General Fund 002 for the District CourtAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0905 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 23-078, relating to County businesses, requiring the acceptance of cash as payment for goods and/or services, adding a new Chapter 6.70 SCC, and providing an effective dateAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0852 1b.MotionMotion 23-309, approval of Broadband Spending Plan through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)Assigned  Action details Not available
2023-0878 1c.MotionMotion 23-319, approving an increase in the number of employees authorized in the 2023 Annual Budget in the General Fund 002 for the Office of the Public AdvocateAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0836 1d.MotionMotion 23-320, approving a contract with CVL, LLC for on call interpreting and translating services for Snohomish CountyAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0885 1e.MotionMotion 23-322, approving a contract with GLOBO Language Solutions, LLC for on call interpreting and translating services for Snohomish CountyAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0897 1f.MotionMotion 23-329, authorizing the County Executive to sign the January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, Collective Bargaining Agreement between Snohomish County, Washington and the Public, Professional & Office-Clerical Employees and Drivers Local Union 763 (representing corrections supervisors)Assigned  Action details Not available
2023-0898 1g.MotionMotion 23-330, authorizing the County Executive to sign the January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, Collective Bargaining Agreement between Snohomish County, Washington and the Public, Professional & Office-Clerical Employees and Drivers Local Union 763 (representing law enforcement support)Assigned  Action details Not available
2023-0889 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 23-077, approving the interagency agreement with Department of Ecology for the Solid Waste Management Local Solid Waste Financial AssistanceAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0846 1b.MotionMotion 23-308, approve and authorize the County Executive to execute the Department of Children, Youth and Families contract for early Childhood Education and Assistance Program ServicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0894 1c.MotionMotion 23-326, approving and authorizing the County Executive to execute the Community Development Block Grant Program Funding Agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0857 1a.MotionMotion 23-310, confirming the appointment of Hayley Etnier to the Developmental Disabilities Citizen Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0693 1b.MotionMotion 23-312, authorizing the County Executive to sign an Agreed Order with the Washington State Department of Ecology for the Former Tect Lease Area on Paine Field AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0753 1c.MotionMotion 23-313, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute Amendment 1 to Agreement with Salmon-Safe, Inc. to Perform On-Site Watershed Analysis and Independent Re-Certification at Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0871 1d.MotionMotion 23-314, authorizing the County Executive to sign a Consultant Services Agreement for Paine Field Former Tect Lease Area Agreed Order Implementation at Snohomish County Airport at Paine FieldAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0875 1e.MotionMotion 23-316, appointing Matthew Loverink to the Airport CommissionAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0874 1f.MotionMotion 23-317, authorizing the County Executive to authorize a Formal Task Assignment No. 1 to the Public Works On-Call Agreement for Environmental Remedial Investigation Planning and Implementation at Snohomish County Airport at Paine FieldAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0883 1g.MotionMotion 23-321, confirming the appointment of Valera Storey to the Snohomish County Agriculture Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0893 1h.MotionMotion 23-324, confirming the appointment of Griselda Guevara-Cruz to the Sno-Isle Libraries Board of TrusteesAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0876 1i.MotionMotion 23-362, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute a contract for the award of RFQ 23-005BC with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. at the Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0911 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 23-079, approving and accepting a Statutory Warranty Deed and establishing 28th Dr SE as a new county roadAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0914 1b.OrdinanceOrdinance 23-080, approving the acceptance of a Statutory Warranty Deed and establishing 169th Pl SW as a new county roadAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0814 1c.MotionMotion 23-311, authorize the County Executive to execute Amendment 6 to The Human Resources Recruitment and Selection AgreementAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0854 1d.MotionMotion 23-315, approving and authorizing the County Executive to execute Amendment 8 to the Master Software and Services Agreement with Global Tel*Link, for Turnkey Public Access Phone ServicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0887 1e.MotionMotion 23-323, authorizing the County Executive to sign Supplement No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement CCF04-21 with David Evans and Associates, Inc. to provide design services for the 36th/35th Avenue West Improvement ProjectAssigned  Action details Not available
2023-0880 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 23-076, approving and authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to sign the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians for Wood Acquisition to Support Jim Creek Restoration ProjectSet time/date for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2023-0847 1b.MotionMotion 23-307, approving an Aquatic Lands Lease renewal between the State of Washington and Snohomish County at Kayak Point ParkApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0787 1c.MotionMotion 23-327, approving and authorizing execution of the Professional Services Agreement with Cerium Networks, Inc. for Teams Telephony Consulting ServicesApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0808 1d.MotionMotion 23-331, approving agreement for Minotaur Mazes at the 2023 Snohomish County Evergreen State FairApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-0909 11.ReportUpcoming Planning Commission Meeting Topics August 2, 2023   Action details Not available
2023-0913 11.MotionMotion 23-328, approving Administrative Matters presented at General Legislative Session on August 9, 2023   Action details Not available
2023-0861 1a.ReportReceiving Proposed Amendments to the Hearing Examiner’s Rules of Procedure   Action details Not available
2023-0865 1b.ReportReceiving the 2023 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Shelter and Homelessness Spending Plan Memo   Action details Not available
2023-0853 1c.Bid Award RecommendationApproving Bid Award Recommendation for RFP-23-017LY Copiers and Multi-Function Devices to Copiers NW, Inc. and Woodburn Company for and estimated annual amount of $300,000 plus applicable Washington State Sales Tax.   Action details Not available
2023-0882 1d.Bid Award RecommendationApproving Bid Award Recommendation Bid 23-047RB for Tires, Automotive & Heavy-Duty Truck, Tubes and Service to Goodyear Tire, Les Schwab, Industrial Tire, and Purcell Tire for an estimated amount of $300,000 per year; initial term is a three-year contract with each of the four awarded companies on a fixed price basis for the initial year with the option to renew for an additional two-year term   Action details Not available
2023-0884 1e.Bid Award RecommendationApproving Bid Award Recommendation Bid SW-010-21SB for Weatherization Assistance Program, Ductless Heat Pump Installation to Right On Heating & Sheet Metal Inc for an estimated amount of $300,000.00 per year; initial term is two years with an option to extend for one additional year   Action details Not available
2023-0912 1f.MinutesCouncil's Official Proceedings for June 2023   Action details Not available