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Meeting Name: Administrative Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Jackson Board Room - 8th Floor Robert J. Drewel Building & Remote Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0880 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-021, relating to parking regulations for recreational vehicles in Unincorporated Snohomish County, creating a new Chapter in Title 11Assigned  Action details Not available
2025-0881 1b.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-022, amending Chapter 4.121 SCC to incorporate funding for activities associated with recreational vehicle parking restrictionsAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0807 1c.MotionMotion 25-119, approving an agreement for inmate commissary services between Snohomish County and Keefe Commissary Network LLCAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0663 1d.MotionMotion 25-120, confirming the appointment of Scott Luckie to the Snohomish County Agriculture Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0813 1e.MotionMotion 25-121, confirming the appointment of Steven Losleben to the Snohomish County Agriculture Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0815 1f.MotionMotion 25-122, confirming the appointment of Curt Krause to the Snohomish County Agriculture Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0556 1g.MotionMotion 25-131, confirming the reappointment of Dr. Gloria Ngezaho to the Snohomish County Human Rights CommissionAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0812 1h.MotionMotion 25-133, approving Agreement for Professional Services by and between Snohomish County and Jail Advertising NetworkAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0789 1i.MotionMotion 25-147, approving appointment of Kiran Asher to the Airport CommissionAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0887 1j.MotionMotion 25-154, confirming the reappointment of Kathleen Santti of Mukilteo to the Board of EqualizationAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0888 1k.MotionMotion 25-155, confirming the appointment of Joseph Adamczyk of Lynnwood to the Board of EqualizationAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0830 1a.MotionMotion 25-144, authorizing the Executive to sign a contract for economic development services with Greater Seattle PartnersAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0872 1b.MotionMotion 25-145, approving and authorizing execution of the Agreement For Professional Services between the County and Arcina Risk GroupAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0875 1c.MotionMotion 25-148, approving a change in the management exempt position salary range within the Sheriff’s OfficeAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0882 1d.MotionMotion 25-151, authorizing an Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Snohomish County PUDAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0811 1a.MotionMotion 25-126, authorizing the Executive to sign agreement with Project Girl Mentoring Program for Community Navigator ProgramAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0814 1b.MotionMotion 25-127, authorizing the Executive to sign agreement with Marshallese Association of North Puget Sound for Community Navigator ProgramAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0819 1c.MotionMotion 25-128, authorizing the Executive to sign agreement with Korean Community Service Center for Community Navigator ProgramAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0821 1d.MotionMotion 25-129, authorizing the Executive to sign agreement with Oceania Northwest for Community Navigator ProgramAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0871 1e.MotionMotion 25-146, authorizing the Executive to sign agreement with North Counties Family Services for Community Navigator ProgramAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0870 1f.MotionMotion 25-150, authorizing the Executive to sign Amendment No. 1 with Del Beccaro Consulting, LLC, for a strategic plan for the Snohomish County Health Department.Assigned  Action details Not available
2025-0883 1g.MotionMotion 25-152, approving HOME ARP Award for Edmonds New Start CenterAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0896 1h.MotionMotion 25-153, authorizing allocation of Affordable Housing Behavioral Health Funding for Emergency Bridge Housing at the Edmonds New Start CenterAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0835 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-017, relating to Growth Management; concerning school impact fees; amending Chapter 30.66C of the Snohomish County CodeAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0890 1b.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-018, amending Chapter 25.20 SCC to add a surface water service charge for Invasive Aquatic Plant Management on Lake SereneAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0892 1c.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-019, dissolving the Lochsloy Pilchuck Flood Control District pursuant to Chapter 36.96 RCWAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0895 1d.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-020, approving and authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Chinook Salmon Conservation Planning for the watershed basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 8Assigned  Action details Not available
2025-0774 1e.MotionMotion 25-118, authorizing the Director of Conservation and Natural Resources to approve homeowner grant agreements to expend approved Weatherization Program FundingAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0739 1f.MotionMotion 25-123, authorizing the County Executive to authorize a Formal Task Assignment Amendment to the Public Works On-Call Agreement for environmental consulting for Remedial Investigation at Snohomish County Airport at Paine FieldAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0797 1g.MotionMotion 25-124, authorizing approval of Professional Services Agreement #AGRI02-24 with Economic Consultants Oregon LTD for a Transfer of Development Rights BankAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0832 1h.MotionMotion 25-130, authorizing the County Executive to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Everett for the Kiwanis Park Sport Court Rehabilitation & EnhancementsAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0714 1i.MotionMotion 25-132, authorizing the County Executive to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with David Evans and Associates for land use and plan review for Planning & Development ServicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0834 1j.MotionMotion 25-140, approving Micro Services Agreement for pavingAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0849 1k.MotionMotion 25-141, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute a contract for RFG 24-011BC on-call surveying with David Evans & Associates Inc. at the Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0788 1l.MotionMotion 25-142, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute a contract for RFQ 24-011BC on-call sanitary sewer engineering with RH2 Engineering, Inc. at the Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0839 1m.MotionMotion 25-143, authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to execute a contract for RFQ 24-011BC on-call GIS support services with Arora at the Snohomish County AirportAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0904 1n.MotionMotion 25-156, authorizing the 2025 Historic Preservation Program Grant AwardsAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0713 1a.MotionMotion 25-125, approving a 2024 budget transfer between programs within the Facility Services Fund 511Moved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0856 1b.MotionMotion 25-134, authorizing the County Executive to sign Grant AQLMER-2325-SnCSWD-00005 with the State of Washington Department of Ecology for Landfill Methane Emission ReductionMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0864 1c.MotionMotion 25-137, authorizing the County Executive to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Legal Services Contract CC02-23 with Hillis Clark Martin and Peterson P.S. for On-Call Environmental ReviewMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0867 1d.MotionMotion 25-138, approving transfer of control of the telecommunications franchise granted to Ziply Fiber Northwest, LLC by Ordinance No. 23-059 from Northwest Fiber Holdco, LLC to BCE Holding CorporationMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0526 1e.MotionMotion 25-135, approve and authorize execution of a Software Service Agreement (SSA) with Contruent for Procureware Bid Management PortalMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0850 1f.MotionMotion 25-139, authorizing the County Executive to sign the 2024-2028 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Snohomish County and the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, AFSCME, AFL - CIO, Local 1811-S (Assessor’s Office Supervisors)Moved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0776 1gMotionMotion 25-117, approving Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Gold Bar relating to law enforcement servicesMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0857 1h.MotionMotion 25-136, approving Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Stanwood relating to law enforcement servicesMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0734 1i.MotionMotion 25-113, approving Amendment No. 2 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Snohomish relating to law enforcement servicesMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0737 1j.MotionMotion 25-114, approving Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the Town of Darrington relating to law enforcement servicesMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0736 1k.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-013, reenacting and amending Chapter 7.54 SCC pertaining to inspection and maintenance of constructed stormwater control facilitiesSet time/date for Public Hearing  Action details Not available
2025-0902 11.MotionMotion 25-149, approving Administrative Matters presented at General Legislative Session on March 12, 2025   Action details Not available
2025-0437 11)OrdinanceOrdinance 25-009, relating to the County Budget and Budget Procedures; Amending Chapter 4.26 SCC   Action details Not available
2025-0661 12)OrdinanceOrdinance 25-012, approving data sharing agreement with Washington State Department of Health for confidential information or limited datasets and providing authority to approve any future amendments (RESP-NET Datasets)   Action details Not available
2025-0795 11)ReportHuman Services 4th Quarter 2024 Affordable Housing and Chemical Dependency and Behavioral Health Sales Taxes   Action details Not available
2025-0798 12)Report2024 Public Works Annual Report   Action details Not available
2025-0764 11)Bid Award RecommendationBid Award Recommendation PW-24-0373SB to O M A Construction, Inc. for Chatham Acres Restoration in the amount of $663,770.00, plus applicable Washington State sales tax   Action details Not available
2025-0863 12)Bid Award RecommendationBid Award Recommendation PW-24-0355SB to Scarsella Bros., Inc. for Elliott Road Flood Reduction in the amount of $5,138,688.88, plus applicable Washington State sales tax   Action details Not available