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Meeting Name: Administrative Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Jackson Board Room - 8th Floor Robert J. Drewel Building & Remote Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0763 11.ReportYMCA & Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County – ARPA funding Patsy Cudaback, YMCA and Marci Volmer, BGCSC   Action details Not available
2025-0671 1a.MotionMotion 25-112, confirming the reappointment of Valera Storey to the Snohomish County Agriculture Advisory BoardAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0734 1b.MotionMotion 25-113, approving Amendment No. 2 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Snohomish relating to law enforcement servicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0737 1c.MotionMotion 25-114, approving Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the Town of Darrington relating to law enforcement servicesAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0661 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-012, approving data sharing agreement with Washington State Department of Health for confidential information or limited datasets and providing authority to approve any future amendments (RESP-NET Datasets)Assigned  Action details Not available
2025-0736 1a.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-013, reenacting and amending Chapter 7.54 SCC pertaining to inspection and maintenance of constructed stormwater control facilitiesAssigned  Action details Not available
2025-0576 1a.MotionMotion 25-090, approving Amendment 1 to the Distribution of Vessel Registration Fee Agreement with the City of EverettMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0619 1b.MotionMotion 25-103, approving a budget transfer in Grant Fund 130 for funds received from the Washington State Administrative Office of the CourtsMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0677 1c.MotionAmended Motion 25-108, confirming the re-appointment of Susan Lakey to the Snohomish County Developmental Disabilities Citizen Advisory BoardMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0683 1d.MotionMotion 25-111, approving a 2024 Budget transfer in Superior Court Fund 130 and 002Moved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0765 1e.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-014, relating to Growth Management; Revising Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations; Amending Snohomish County Code (SCC) Sections 30.28.010, 30.28.070, and 30.66B.057, Amending Definitions in Chapters 30.91A and 30.91D SCC, and Adding a New Definition in Chapter 30.91P SCCMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0766 1f.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-015, relating to Growth Management; Revising Development Regulations for Day Care Facilities; Amending Snohomish County Code Sections 30.22.100, 30.22.110, 30.22.130, 30.25.020, 30.26.030, 30.91F.100 and Adding New Sections 30.25.055, and 30.28.030Moved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0767 1g.OrdinanceOrdinance 25-016, relating to Growth Management; Allowing Warehouse as a Permitted Use in the Planned Community Business Zone; Amending Sections 30.22.100 and 30.22.130 of Snohomish County CodeMoved to the GLS Regular Agenda  Action details Not available
2025-0721 1h.MotionMotion 25-115, approve and authorize execution of the Cloud Services Agreement with Oracle America, Inc. for an Enterprise Resource Planning software solutionApproved  Action details Not available
2025-0681 11.MotionMotion 25-116, approving Administrative Matters presented at General Legislative Session on February 26, 2025   Action details Not available
2025-0400 11)OrdinanceOrdinance 25-011, approving and authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Snohomish County and the City of Lake Stevens relating to the ownership, funding, operation and maintenance of Wyatt Park   Action details Not available
2025-0780 11)Bid Award RecommendationBid Award Recommendation PW-24-0361SB for Taxilane E Reconstruction - Phase 2 with KLB Construction in the amount of $6,623,617.75, plus applicable Washington State sales tax   Action details Not available