Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)
Motion 22-511, approve and authorize the County Executive to execute a Software as a Service Agreement between Snohomish County and GovQA, LLC for the Public Records Management System
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
PURPOSE: The purpose of this ECAF is for approval and execution of Amendment 1 to the SaaS Agreement between Snohomish County and GovQA, LLC to allow the IT Department to work with GovQA LLC to transfer the Snohomish Health District's Legacy Data to the County's database.
BACKGROUND: GovQA is the current provider of the County's Public Records Request System. As the demands for interagency requests have grown over time, the Sheriff's Office desired to obtain a management system to automate records transfer between law enforcement agencies, which is done differently than public records requests. In 2019 the County published RFP 16-19SB to obtain proposals for a new request system that includes an interagency module for use by the Sheriff's office and other modules not included in the current agreement in order to provide a more comprehensive request management system. GovQA was selected by the evaluation committee as the vendor whose software and proposal will best meet the needs of Snohomish County Public Records and Interagency Request Management. An agreement was executed 8/12/2020 with GovQA to install and implement the software; train selected County employees in its use and continue to provide the software as a service over the course of the agreement. The Snohomish Health District (SHD) and the County use separate GovQA databases under separate accounts, and the SHD will become a County department beginning January 1, 2023. Transfer of the SHD to the County will require a one-time fee to import the SHD's database records ("Legacy Data") into the County's GovQA database. Approval of this Amendment 1 will...
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