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File #: 2023-0891    Version: 1
Type: Motion Status: Approved
File created: 7/27/2023 In control: General Legislative Session
On agenda: 8/23/2023 Final action: 8/16/2023
Title: Motion 23-332, approving and authorizing the County Executive to sign Grant Agreement No. 23-2247 with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Sub-Award Agreement with Adopt-A-Stream Foundation to Implement Portions of the Transformational Collaborative Chinook Recovery in Whidbey Basin North and South
Attachments: 1. Motion 23-332, 2. Staff Report, 3. Grant Agreement - SIGNED, 4. Sub Grant Agreement - SIGNED, 5. Insurance, 6. Motion Assignment Slip

Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)

Motion 23-332, approving and authorizing the County Executive to sign Grant Agreement No. 23-2247 with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Sub-Award Agreement with Adopt-A-Stream Foundation to Implement Portions of the Transformational Collaborative Chinook Recovery in Whidbey Basin North and South
DEPARTMENT: Conservation & Natural Resources/Surface Water Management

ORIGINATOR: Connie Price/Darcey Hughes

EXECUTIVE RECOMMENDATION: Approved by Lacey Harper 8/7/23

PURPOSE: To approve Grant Agreement No #23-2247 between Snohomish County Surface Water Management and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Snohomish NOAA Whidbey Basin North and South Grant Administration and Implementation of the Shinglebolt Slough, Chinook Marsh and Thomas' Eddy projects, and Sub-award agreement with Adopt-A-Stream Foundation to implement portions of the Transformational Collaborative Chinook recovery in the Whidbey Basin North and South.

BACKGROUND: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) awarded a Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grant (#NA23NMF4630090) to a coalition of local and tribal partners, with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) as administrative lead. As a sub-recipient of this grant, Snohomish County Surface Water Management (SWM) will receive $2.6M to advance three habitat and floodplain restoration projects under the Community Floodplain Solutions program in the Snohomish Basin: Thomas' Eddy, Shinglebolt Slough, and Chinook Marsh. Under this NOAA grant, in the Snohomish and Stillaguamish Basins, partners will restore more than 1,200 acres of estuary and river floodplain function, along more than 17 miles of shoreline, and advance more than 750 acres of future habitat restoration work. In the Skagit River Basin, grant partners will restore 627 acres of estuarine tidal marsh and pocket estuary habitat in one of ...

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