Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)
Motion 21-316, approving and authorizing the execution of an agreement for professional services with Cayenta a division of N. Harris Computer Corporationbody
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
PURPOSE: The purpose of this ECAF is to obtain approval to execute a Professional Services Agreement for support for functionality upgrades to the Cayenta Integrated Financial System Agreement with N. Harris Computer Corporation
BACKGROUND: In 1996 the County approved and executed a contract to acquire an Integrated Enterprise Financial System from Cayenta Inc., formerly SFG Technologies Inc., pursuant to RFP-1-95. The integrated financial system is the backbone that organizes, consolidates, and services the fiscal needs of Snohomish County across the enterprise. Since financial information contained in this system is critical to County operations, as well as ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability, it is equally critical that this system be properly supported. The hardware currently supporting the application will reach end of life in October 2023, and the County is interested in upgrading the database platform from Oracle to SQL and in order to do so, an upgrade from the current version 7.7 to 9.0 is required to facilitate the database transition. The complexity of this combined SQL and version upgrade requires professional support services. The County published Sole Source SS-002-21 and Sole Source SS-004-21BC and only N. Harris responded with interest in providing the services. The cost for professional services and support is $797,430 plus applicable sales tax for services related to migration, upgrade, and $110,024 for license and subscription fees. The licenses and support are covered by this Amendment 9 and the configuration, upgrade and deployment are covered by the Professional Services Agreement submitted in a sep...
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