Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)
Motion 25-153, authorizing allocation of Affordable Housing Behavioral Health Funding for Emergency Bridge Housing at the Edmonds New Start Center
DEPARTMENT: Human Services
ORIGINATOR: Jackie Anderson
PURPOSE: Approve the Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health (AHBH) funding for the YWCA Edmonds New Start Center Project.
BACKGROUND: In 2021, the Washington State Legislature amended RCW 82.14.530 which authorizes counties to impose a sales tax for acquisition and construction of affordable housing, which may include emergency, transitional and supportive housing, and new units of affordable housing within an existing structure, or acquiring and constructing behavioral health-related facilities or land acquisition for these purpose or funding operations and maintenance cost of new units of affordable housing and facilities where housing related programs are provided, or newly constructed evaluation and treatment centers.
The Snohomish County Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health (AHBH) Fund has two revenue sources, a sales tax credit back to the County authorized by chapter 388, Laws of 2019 and codified at RCW 82.14.540, and a .01 sales tax authorized by chapter 222 Laws of 2020 and codified at RCW 82.14.530.
Snohomish County Council passed Ordinance 21-098, imposing a one-tenth of one percent sales tax for affordable housing and behavioral health and adding a new chapter 4.126 to Snohomish County Code.
On December 13, 2023, by Amended Motion No. 23-492, the Snohomish County Council approved the 2023 Housing and Behavioral Health Capital Fund Investment Plan (Investment Plan) and requiring Council approval to issue capital contracts.
The first round of applications did not result in qualified applications for the Edmonds new Start Center. On October 14, 2024, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was published for AHBH funding for...
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