Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)
Ordinance 21-043, relating to Growth Management; amending development regulations in chapter 30.32D of the Snohomish County Code pertaining to archaeological resources
DEPARTMENT: Planning & Development Services
PURPOSE: Adopt code amendments amending the development regulations pertaining to archaeological resources to align with state law, clarify terminology and support the increased identification and protection of archaeological resources.
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* The Growth Management Act (GMA) and the Snohomish County Comprehensive Plan direct Snohomish County to identity and encourage the preservation of land, sites, and structures that have historical or archaeological significance.
* Existing archaeological resource procedures for archaeological survey reports, permit approvals for properties that contain documented archaeological sites that cannot be avoided, and the inadvertent discovery of archaeological resources and skeletal human remains do not align with current state laws related to the regulation of archaeological resources. The proposed code amendments modify county regulations to align with state laws.
* Existing code language contains outdated references and confusing terminology. The amendments proposed by this ordinance provide clarity through updating references and terminology to match current archaeological standards.
* The code amendments proposed by this ordinance support the increased identification and protection of archaeological resources. Allowing the County to require an archaeological survey report when a project location has a high probability of containing archaeological resources increases the likelihood of archaeological resources being identified early in the life of a project and allows projects to be modified to avoid impacting resources.
* The Planning Commission held ...
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