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File #: 2025-0330    Version: 1
Type: Motion Status: Pending Fully Executed Copy
File created: 1/8/2025 In control: Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Motion 25-064, approval of Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between Moga Properties LLC as seller and Snohomish County as buyer for ten parcels of land and naming of the future property The Moga Conservation Area
Attachments: 1. Motion 24-064, 2. Staff Report, 3. Purchase and Sale Agreement (Pending fully executed copy), 4. Motion Assignment Slip, 5. Agreement (REDLINED)

Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)

Motion 25-064, approval of Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between Moga Properties LLC as seller and Snohomish County as buyer for ten parcels of land and naming of the future property The Moga Conservation Area



PURPOSE: Surface Water Management to acquire land needed to complete a multi-benefit project that will accomplish both open space preservation, and floodplain preservation and reconnection.

BACKGROUND: on December 18, 2024, Snohomish County Council adopted Motion 24-507 to fully fund 7 Conservation Futures projects through the Conservation Futures Property Tax Fund, including Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Surface Water Management's Thomas Eddy Phase 2 - MOGA Acquisition. The Snohomish County Conservation and Natural Resources Department's Surface Water Management division (SWM) desires to purchase the following described properties for floodplain restoration and reconnection. MOGA PROPERTIES LLC ("Seller") own real property consisting of approximately 129.14 acres of vacant land located in Snohomish, WA 98290, identified by assessor tax parcel numbers 270605-002-004-00, 270605-002-005-00, 270605-002-006-00, 270605-002-008-00, 270605-002-021-00, 270605-002-022-00, 270605-002-023-00, 270605-002-024-00,270606-001-004-00 AND 270606-001-007-00 (the "Property") and are willing to sell the Property to Snohomish County for the amount of $3,000,000 (the "Purchase Price"). Floodplain restoration at Thomas' Eddy on the Snohomish River will improve the quality and quantity of channel edge and off-channel habitat and increase connectivity between the main channel, floodplain, and associated floodplain waterbodies. Proposed restoration actions for the Thomas' Eddy Phase 1 project include removal of large sections of levee, edge habitat enhancements, larg...

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