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File #: 2025-0766    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Pending Executive Signature
File created: 2/20/2025 In control: Public Hearings
On agenda: 3/19/2025 Final action: 3/19/2025
Title: Ordinance 25-015, relating to Growth Management; Revising Development Regulations for Day Care Facilities; Amending Snohomish County Code Sections 30.22.100, 30.22.110, 30.22.130, 30.25.020, 30.26.030, 30.91F.100 and Adding New Sections 30.25.055, and 30.28.030
Sponsors: Jared Mead, Nate Nehring
Code sections: SCC 30.22.100 - Urban Zone Categories Use Matrix, SCC 30.22.110 - Rural and Resource Zone Categoies Use Matrix, SCC 30.22.130 - Reference notes for use matrices, SCC 30.25.020 - Perimeter Landscape Requirements, SCC 30.25.055 - Additional landscaping requirements for day care centers, SCC 30.26.030 - Number of spaces required, SCC 30.28.030 - Day care center performance standards, SCC 30.91F.100 - Family Day Care Home
Attachments: 1. Proposed Ordinance 25-015, 2. Hearing Packet



Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)





Ordinance 25-015, relating to Growth Management; Revising Development Regulations for Day Care Facilities; Amending Snohomish County Code Sections 30.22.100, 30.22.110, 30.22.130, 30.25.020, 30.26.030, 30.91F.100 and Adding New Sections 30.25.055, and 30.28.030




ORIGINATOR:  Ryan Countryman for Jared Mead and Nate Nehring




PURPOSE: This ordinance relates to day care centers and family day care homes. It simplifies permitting processes, allows these uses in more locations throughout unincorporated Snohomish County, and makes other supporting changes.


BACKGROUND: Councilmembers Mead and Nehring co-sponsored this ordinance which the County Council referred to the Planning Commission by Motion 24-157 (ECAF 24-0495). The version of the ordinance attached to Motion 24-157 sponsored by Mead and Nehring focused on the day care centers (typically 13 or more children). When discussing the motion/original ordinance, Councilmember Dunn suggested looking at possible improvements for family day care homes (typically up to 12 children) and the council as a body gave council staff direction to investigate changes for family day care homes too, which resulted in an increased scope for the ordinance that went to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the ordinance with the expanded scope.