Executive/Council Action Form (ECAF)
Ordinance 23-029, approving and authorizing the Snohomish County Executive to sign the interlocal agreement between Snohomish County and the Snohomish Conservation District to implement portions of the Shorelands Floodplains by Design Phase II Agreement
DEPARTMENT: Conservation & Natural Resources
ORIGINATOR: Connie Price/Darcey Hughes
EXECUTIVE RECOMMENDATION: Approved by Lacey Harper 3/30/23
PURPOSE: Approval of Ordinance by County Council authorizing the County Executive to execute the Interlocal Agreement Between Snohomish County and the Snohomish Conservation District for the Shorelands Floodplains by Design Phase II Project.
BACKGROUND: Snohomish County was awarded $8,564,176 in grant funds from the Washington State Department of Ecology to implement the Community Floodplain Solutions (CFS) project. CFS is a project that advances implementation of integrated floodplain management in the Snohomish Watershed, with focus on the Lower Skykomish River. CFS aims to increase ecological function, reduce impact from flooding, and protect and enhance farmland productivity. Actions include property acquisition, farmland conservation, implementation of agricultural viability and floodway projects, and design of large scale integrated floodplain projects. Snohomish Conservation District is named in the Ecology agreement as a partner to carry out certain tasks listed in the grant. The Snohomish Conservation District's tasks include Integrated Team Support, Riparian Forest Health Implementation, Riley and Haskel Sough Water Conveyance and Connectivity Improvements and Agricultural Resilience Programmatic and Cost-Share Support. An Interlocal Agreement was negotiated with Snohomish Conservation District for $2,338,730. The Interlocal Agreement will remain in effect through June 30, 2025, at which point project activities are projected to be completed.
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